
Strategy is at the Heart of What We Do

The Exposure of Ecommerce and the digital economy calls for new payment modes in the market. Edition Sans Frontiere Inc(ESF) is launching an E-Wallet called Actorpay which can be used to store, transfer money, and to make payments using a smartphone. Market demands and consumer needs are driving the adoption of contactless payment methods such as QR codes in digital transactions.

Business Shaped Solutions

We have a team of experienced professionals in the digital payment industry, and we use our talent pool effectively to meet the needs of our customers.

what we offer

Topup Methods

Customers can pay quickly using only their mobile number/email address and password. It allows you to add/link your credit card, debit card, or bank account to your E-Wallet, which connects people all over the country.

what we offer

Payment Methods

Payments for goods and services can be made online as well as in-store using an E-wallet. Send and receive money, pay restaurant bills, split bills, transfer funds, and much more. Payments can be done easily and instantly to manage the business better


Advantages and Benefits

  • Cashless and Seamless, Contactless and Cardless
  • Lower Costs and convenient
  • Enhanced Security and Fraud Protected
  • Real Time Transactions
  • Track the Expenditure
  • Bank the Underbanked
  • Payments reminder
  • Split bills
  • Loyalty and Rewards
  • Geo-location
  • Personalized Ads
  • Budgetary Planning

Frequently Asked Questions

Actorpay is a mobile wallet application used to store or transfer money and to make payments using a smartphone.

Actorpay is a mobile wallet application used to store or transfer money and to make payments using a smartphone.

You can transfer funds to your Actorpay Wallet account from credit or debit cards and bank account. Actorpay is ideal for people to make payments from different accounts using a single mobile application.

When paying in stores that accept Actorpay, you’ll be using technology known as QR Code.

QR payment: Scanning a QR code which is displayed at the merchant POS counter.

QR (Quick Response) code is a two-dimensional barcode used to store information that can be read by a smartphone camera. QRs are used for various purposes, including making payments using a mobile device.

Actorpay wallet is password protected, hence if your phone is lost or stolen, nobody can able to access your money or data which makes Actorpay safe and secure.

User's confidential financial data is always secured with advanced encryption, which creates a random number sequence for each transaction, whether they use their Actorpay wallet for in-store transactions through their smartphone or for online payments. As a result, even if hackers intercept the customer's transaction, they would be unable to use the information accessed.

Setting an Actorpay account takes only a few minutes. Simply download the Actorpay mobile application and follow the on-screen instructions to create an account and add payment details. You’re all set to enjoy safe, secure and seamless payments!